Step-1 : Take a saucepan/pot big enough to fit your eggs in
Step-2 : Fill the saucepan with water (not too much though- you dont want the water to overflow while boiling)
Step-3 :Bring the water to a boil (High Heat)
Step-4 :Once the water is boiling, turn the heat to low flame
Step-5 :Lay your eggs in (gently) using a spoon or a ladle
Step-6 : Cover your pot/saucepan with a lid and let it sit on low flame
Step-7 : There is much debate as to how long one should boil their eggs
10 minutes... cook your eggs for 10 minutes. Any more/less and your yolk will be ruined (trust me)
Step-8 : Set a timer for 10 minutes
Step-9 : Prepare an ice bath for your eggs while they cook. Take ice and mix it with water in a bowl
Step-10 : Promptly take out your eggs when the timer goes off and lay them in the ice bath you prepared. Let them cool down and then you're ready to eat!